Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Fun and High Jinks at the Chinese Communist Party's birthday Bash


Dear Ambassador Zheng Zeguang

What an ordinary Man in Sheffield thinks of the Chinese Communist Party

How I laughed at Xi Jinping’s pronouncement that he will “dash enemies heads against a great wall of steel forged from the flesh and blood of 1.4 billion Chinese”. Having just read Don Quixote by Cervantes, I see such rantings as coming from a madman living in a bygone world created by his own delusion. Who does Mr Jinping think is really threatening China?. America may be annoyed about trade and adjusting to China’s increasing power, but does he really think American windmills will need such an attack? Surely they have enough internal problems of their own than to start trouble abroad.

As far as I understand, the only threat to Mr Xi Jinping and his dinosaur of a party, comes from his own people, which is why he stamps on the internet (presumably with his iron foot of a million tons, ha ha!!!), locks up those that criticise the party (presumably with the mighty lance made of the sweat of the Chinese people, tee hee!!!) and has concentration camps for minorities (presumably whilst wielding the invincible sword of Chinese justice guffor guffor!!!). Doesn’t the Party realise that taking away peoples freedom of speech and liberty are acts of weakness and cowardliness, not strength.. If the Party can’t take on and defeat it’s critics and political opponents with sound arguments, correct policies and beneficial actions for the majority then it should seriously think about what it is doing and where it is heading.  And don’t try to justify the parties actions by saying that if there is unrest in China then millions will die as they did in previous civil wars, because that was then and this is now. Civil wars start because entrenched inflexible views don’t change with the times and so force is the only way to make those in power face up to the new reality. So the Chinese Communist Party must change with the times rather than retreat back to Maoist mid 20th century thinking. If it wants the world to respect China, then it should start acting in a manner that makes the world a better place, not only for the Chinese people but also for all peoples of the world. Wouldn’t that be better than using outdated military might, that just shows how backward China is, not modern and progressive?

Following this disrespectful letter from a foreigner, which is obviously a major threat to the Chinese state, I await my head to be dashed to pieces. Such an act will no doubt enhance the might, prestige and glory of the Chinese Communist Party which is all conquering and invincible. Especially when taking on the defenseless but outspoken.

So happy 100th birthday Chinese Communist Party. Long may you be tolerated by the Chinese people. But will you ever be loved by them?

Yours Faithfully

Trevor Prew  

CC Various Newspapers, Organisations.

PS If you find this letter offensive, I make no apology. I am most offended that fellow human beings continue to act in such an horrific and appalling way towards other fellow human beings in the 21st Century. Everybody is genetically and environmentally different (by their nature and nurture) and everyone has differing thoughts and views on the matters that concern them. To  deign this simple truth and to attempt to make 1.4 billion  people all think the same way by fear and persecution tactics is shear folly and doomed to failure in the long run.

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