(An edited version of the essay below was published on 6th March 2022 as the lead letter in the Economist magazine. It deeply saddens me that I have had to write such words)
I find it reassuring that, from my
experience, the vast majority of humanity has already chosen not to make
war, but chosen a peaceful co-existence with their fellow sapiens. The
major problem, highlighted by tensions over
Ukraine, is how those peaceful people get rid of the minority of people
who choose to use force and violence to increase their power and
status. How do you control someone who points a gun in your face?.
The direction of humanity will be decided if it can stop such people. But how?
If a tyrant gets elected, by making popular
promises of short term gain for their electorate, you may think that
using the law to expose their corruption or illegal activity will bring
them to heel. But the law and constitutions are
human constructs, which can be changed to suit those in power, and
judges can be manipulated with rewards and bribes.
You could try protests on the streets, but these
don’t seem to work. Leaders will just send in the police as in Hong
Kong and Belarus or tanks as in Tiananmen Square.
Will spreading the truth about those in power
control their behaviour? No chance, as speaking out will get you branded
as a terrorist trying to cause harm to society. Arrest and a long term
in jail will follow, which silences you and deters
Perhaps people should vote for different people at
the next election, but it will probably be too late by then, as the
opposition has been locked up and voting rigged so that real change
is impossible.
Perhaps feminism can exert soft power over powerful
men? Well this has never happened in the past and would need a massive
show of girl power to work.
Don’t look to religion for help either, religious
leaders have never done anything in the past, as they are too
intermeshed with the elites, to want the status quo to change. They think
some supernatural, made up force will sort it all out
anyway. After 2000 years where has religion got us?
Will the freedoms and anarchy of the internet
promote free speech and enable the people to co ordinate and rise up
against the oppressors? Well not if it is constantly monitored and
controlled by those in power. Once in power the elite
who have no shame to use force are proving very hard if not impossible
to shift by their own people.
So international help is needed from other
peaceful countries imposing sanctions, but this is a long game, and if
you look at North Korea seems to have no end. Also Sanctions only have
the effect of harming the peaceful majority of people
rather than the uncaring leadership, who continue to live in isolation,
luxury and delusion. I’m sure Mr Putin knows that Russia will be worst
off economically if he invades Ukraine, but I doubt if he cares. He will
still be in power, living in luxury and
wealth, convinced that his world view is correct. As long as his army
obeys him, nothing can stop him, and his army is currently busy a long
way away from Moscow, dealing with other matters. No the uncomfortable
and inconvenient truth is, that the only way
to stop dictators is by an internal coup (which will probably just
replace one dictator with another) or by meeting violence with violence
ie threatening war.
After all, wasn’t the modern version of democracy
born from war during the French revolution, American war of independence
and the English Civil war? And what happened to the first democracy in
Greece when the Spartan's and Macedonian's turned up? Historians go quiet on that one. Democracy is not the default setting for human societies.
If the free world wants to stop Putin and protect
the fledgling democracy in Ukraine, it will have to threaten to meet
force with force and treat Ukraine as if it is
already a Full member of Nato with all it’s implications of
possible imminent nuclear war. I’m sure that everyone reading this will
find this statement shocking, but what other way is there? Many in the
past have fought for freedom, is our time to stand
up for what we value fast approaching?
Hitler was elected by a free and fair election ,
and if Trump had had an organised paramilitary wing he could at this
very moment be the first dictator of the USA. The destiny of humanity is
most definitely in all of our hands. The Question
is not what to choose but how to act.