Showing posts with label Toxic Masculinity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toxic Masculinity. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Putin The Coward

 I enjoyed Boris Johnson saying that Putin’s actions were the perfect example of Toxic Masculinity, where Putin projects an image of “crazy macho” which results in harmful behaviour.  

Real men, don’t need to project an image. The genuine article shines through by their brave actions, unshakable confidence and strength of mind. Based on the principles of integrity, honesty  and selflessness, true manly characteristics are soon recognised by others, earning respect and admiration.                                 
Putin is not a real man, which is why he has to strut about bare chested pretending. Putin is vane, insecure and scared, which is why Boris’ comments resulted in the UK Ambassador in Moscow being called to the Kremlin for an official dressing down. The truth hurts doesn’t it?

Putin is also a coward. During the covid pandemic he hid away afraid to come out and whilst he says he has had the vaccine, he did not get jabbed in front of the TV cameras as the other world leaders have done. He is also a coward, because rather than take on his political opponents, he gets his agents to poison them, as he did with Alexey Navalny. He is a coward because he hides the truth of the war in Ukraine from his own people, because he knows that, if they could see what is really happening, that their brave sons are dying for his vanity and an imagined cause based on a reality that no longer exists, they would not agree. He's so scared of his own people, he can't even call a war a war, but says it's a special military operation, and so hides behind confusing words. He clamps down on freedom of speech, locking up protesters and internet users because he knows he has no valid argument to defend his nonsense that the west wants to destroy Russia.

Putin says he admires Peter the Great and would  also like to be remembered as “A Great”. Well perhaps he should do as the British hero Lord Nelson did. He should go to Ukraine, meet his brave soldiers fighting his war, talk to them, thank them and stand with them in the heat of battle. He should be prepared to die for what he believes in and maybe even fall with this troops whilst leading them to victory and glory. If this were to happen, the Russian People would then surely bury him as “Putin the Great“.

But I doubt if he will go to Ukraine. “Putin the Coward” will stay in Moscow.           Cowards always do what is easiest for them, and avoid the more difficult correct course of action.

Post script - Putin, one year after the war was started has finally visited Ukraine. He drove about Maripol at night and visited some buildings that are being rebuild. I'm not sure what he would have seen in the darkness, but perhaps Xi made him go to see the reality of his war before he would meet him.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Mr Putin - it's ok to be Gay

 Dear Mr Putin

I know you read my blog, so as a friend, I would like to give some advice - it’s the 21st Century, it's ok to be Gay.

I know you live in a hyper Macho society, where the Alpha Male rules and the effeminate man is deemed mentally ill, but judging by your recent actions, I can see that it is not making you happy. You say that you feel threatened by Nato, Ukraine, the west, democracy, the internet and people protesting on the streets, but I’m not buying it. How can a man in control of over 1000 nuclear warheads feel threatened?

Have you heard of Toxic Masculinity?  It refers to the imagined “rules” that men need to act tough and avoid showing all emotions. It leads to damage of their mental health and to suffering both  physically and emotionally. Well I‘ve seen you playing ice hockey, strutting bare chested, etc and don‘t you think this is over doing it a bit? Aren’t you displaying classic symptoms of Toxic Masculinity, over compensating for the real you?

So, If you need to come out, and declare the truth, be brave, have a word with Mr Macron, he‘s French, he will understand. If you do, I can guarantee that you will feel a whole lot better. It will be a release of the real you, a truthful and honest you that will no longer feel threatened by the world.  And the world will learn to love you as you really are, unconditionally.

Have you seen drag race? Did you enjoy it? How magnificent you would look in a big taffeta meringue dress and high heels.

Much Love

Trev   XXX

(if you are wondering why I wrote this,  I very much doubt if the Russian army would fight for a Gay leader, so spread the rumour - Putin is Gay! )

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