Saturday, October 29, 2022

Women Rule the World - They just don't realise it.

 It was the Rabbi Lionel Blue, who, in his warm friendly manner, said “women rule the world - they just don’t realise it”. He was referring to the influence of his mother on his life, but I totally agree with him.

“If you vote Tory, you can forget about sex!” was the ultimatum I received just before the last general election. So, even though I was totally fed up with the brexit dead lock, I swiftly decided to vote green, even though Boris was promising to get the deal done. Sex is far more important than politics.

Growing up on the south coast of England, school trips to France were common, and the principal lessons were not speaking French but smuggling. Fireworks and flick knives were our favourite contraband, but when a low status lad started waving a flick knife in front of our faces at school, the girls turned on him, calling him stupid, unmanly and pathetic. He sulked off and we never saw another knife in school again. If they didn’t impress the girls, what was the point?

Throughout history, men have controlled the power that women have over them (ie the power to create their offspring) through physical (ie violence, ownership of property) and cultural (ie marriage, religious) means, but today, women around the world are demanding equality, which is fantastic. The world will be a better, less violent, more co operative place for it. Men have nothing to fear from this, women will still want to have male friends and to form a partnership to bring up the kids, its just that men will have to co operate and compromise rather than dominate.  

Women in Iran have had enough of being told what to do and punished by men in the name of religion. The men, who usually use violence against dissenters, don’t know what to do as even they can’t justify the beating up of school girls and women as Gods work. If they do, even more women will join the protests. They have no answer to being shamed by women when the truth is, that the whole point of society is to provide an excellent environment in which to bring up the kids, not a preparation for the next world.  

As I’ve argued in “How to prevent Wars”, the sole point of life is survival, followed by reproduction, and so sex is a fundamental driving force of human behaviour.  If a behaviour leads to less reproduction, natural or cultural selection will suppress it*. So if women around the world all say they want a different world, and shun violent, uncaring men, men will be powerless to stop it.  All it takes is for women to realise their potential, act together and human nature will change.

Gorbachev said It was the Soviet mothers of sons returning in body bags who ended the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Likewise, Russian women could stop the war in Ukraine tomorrow if they sent a clear message to their men that war is no longer acceptable.

If only they realised, it is they who rule the world, not men like Putin. 


*I acknowledge that it has not been scientifically proven that behaviours are passed on via our genes. However, if a behaviour is successful, it will be copied by the next generation and thus passed on culturally into the future.

PS Why don't men cover their heads and faces to prevent women having sinful thoughts? My partner has very sinful thoughts when ever Brad Pit is on the screen.

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