Friday, December 29, 2023

Fourteen truths that humanity doesn't admit, but needs to face up to.

 1. We all have obligations as well as rights.

Our inalienable rights are well know, but because we live together with others, we cannot do what ever we please. Everything we do has consequences, whether it be how we behave, or what we consume, or what we say and these things effect others and so must be moderated to eliminate harm to others. And when I say others, I mean other humans, other living things, and all future living things. See “is it time for a declaration of human obligations?” below.

2 We usually do what is easiest for ourselves, not what is best for all.

When we vote we nearly always vote for what ever person or party will implement policy that will most benefit us, not others. Likewise, if we see or hear of people causing suffering on others, do we take action or just do nothing, making some excuse that nothing can be done and we are powerless to do anything? Do we not do what is easiest for ourselves, rather than doing what is morally right? Socrates said that with knowledge it would be impossible not to do the right thing, But he was wrong, we can delude ourselves, dismiss knowledge as fake, or pick and choose knowledge to justify what ever we want. In this way events such as the holocaust and holomodor continually occur. See “A History of the world in a single object” below
3. The vast majority of us are good natured, but we are all capable of evil or permitting evil to happen.

“There are no evil people, but there are evil acts“ This is the conclusion of prison psychologists who are attempting to understand and thus reduce future violence. If you read history, study the experiments and read of the world today, you will realise it is all about context, not inherent personality. Any ordinary person can cause suffering, or kill, it just requires the situation to give the reason to do it, or permit it to happen, especially when those suffering are not of our own social group and portrayed as others who are of less importance,  or not human at all, and so we fail to see another human who is just like us. See "The battle of Fridaythorpe" below .

4 We are 100% responsible for our own actions.

Human beings can think, and in any situation, can consider options as to how to act next. We can assess different actions and then choose what to do. But we have to think, rather than automatically react, or just do the same as others, and personally decide how we should act. We do have freewill, but we must choose to use it. Therefore we are all responsible for our actions as we are capable of deciding what to do. See “You have freewill, do you choose to use it?” below.

5.Belief in god and an afterlife is comforting but bad for us.

A by-product of our minds, (minds that gave us the adaptability to populate the many varied habitats of this earth), is our need to explain our creation, our purpose and our need to come to terms with the fact that in the future we will die. So to give us comfort we invent stories of all powerful gods and an everlasting life beyond death. However these mythical falsehoods are bad for us, as they absolve us of responsibility or make everyone’s lives on earth less important. Gods or God is in control and we are all going to heaven (or being reincarnated) so what happens when we are alive is not really our responsibility and  all secondary, to what will follow. If we ditched such thinking, and accepted there is no one but us and our lives  are wondrous but short, we might start valuing each other and start really treating each other with love, respect and compassion as most religions teach. See "Concerning religion" and "Atheist faith, hope and prayers" below.

6. We already live in paradise but are slowly destroying it.

We have evolved to live on planet earth, and it will be impossible to travel to another similar planet. The way we currently all want to live, is incompatible and unsustainable with the planet. If we keep doing what we are doing now, the world will just get hotter and hotter and hotter. Some people will survive, but most wont and we will transform this beautiful, rich and varied planet into something impoverished and harsh. Our current competitive tribal nature is not suited to preventing this happening and we must change, and change very fast. See "Impacts of Climate Change" and "Why the majority accept man made climate change, but do nothing about it" below.

7. We are extremely violent creatures.

Our historic past is one of constant violence. Our societies use violence to enforce rules. Violence drives innovation and determines which societies prosper. Our use of violence has made us a successful species - but will it in the future and is there a better way? Nuclear weapons means we now have the means to totally destroy ourselves and because of globalisation the planet is very much smaller. We are all interconnected and inter dependent on each other. Use of violence is no longer an option. See "Violence and how to reduce it" below.

8. We are tribal by nature.

Humans are social animals and evolved in groups. We cannot live on our own. But in our globalised interconnected, interdependent world we can no longer separate ourselves into competing groups and should all start to think that we all share a common humanity, The reality is, that there is the individual who is a member of the global social group. If we can lose our tribalism, we will lose competition between clans, nations, races, religions, genders, organisation. It opens the door of opportunity to a truly tolerant, sharing, supportive, cooperative, compassionate world that will be mutually beneficial for all. See "Now is the time to end tribalism" below.

9  We are still animals whose primary purpose is to eat and reproduce.

Because we are biological organisms, or more fundamentally, self sustaining chemical reactions, the point of our lives is to survive, reproduce, bring up our offspring, then die. Its written into our genes that our bodies and brains are just tools that the gut and genes use to replicate themselves and continue. In the human species the brain created by our genes, gives us a degree of intelligence, that means we have come to dominate all other species .(except a few virus’ that still kill us). However, that intelligence is now backfiring on us, as we compete selfishly to reproduce with the best genes we can. In this big global competition of display, status and power the world is being wrecked, but our genes don’t care. Will our intelligence anticipate the future and over ride our selfish genes? We will soon find out. See also "Human behaviour explained" below.

10 We are not as clever as we think we are.

We used to think we were the at the center of the universe and everything revolved around us. Some people think they are the center of the universe and the everything world should revolve around them. Others say the brain is the most complex structure in the universe but isn’t; the entire planet together with the biosphere in which all the brains survive far more complex. We are always getting things wrong, and we should never be as arrogant as to think we know and stop learning. The more we think we know, the more we realise what little we do know. We should always be open to new learning, new ways of thinking and always aware that we could be wrong and others know more than us. Perhaps it would be the first sign of intelligence, if we owned up to ourselves that we aren’t intelligent at all. See" The Mess the world is in and what to do about it" below.

11 Our Leaders are usually rich, selfish, paranoid, incompetent charlatans, and they think the vast majority of us are too. 

In the past, birth determined who were our leaders. Authoritarian states are lead by the most powerful or most ruthless. Democracy is lead by the most popular or most convincing. But in our increasingly complex world, how can one single person have all the answers? The notion of a single leader in which we delegate all decisions or have to accept as the most able to decide what is for the best, is absurd.  In today’s world we need teamwork, different people for different problems, not the best well meaning fool who thinks he can do a great job and promises the world. See "World leaders - do we need them?" below.

12 Women are more important than men.

Because they have babies, women are far more important than men. Which is why men have and do oppress them and frequently carry out acts of sexual violence against them. In the future when artificial sperm can be made, men will be redundant and the world will be far less violent. See "Women rule the world - they just don't realise it" below.

13 Democracy is not the default setting of societies.

Because of our frequent use of violence, it is usually the most ruthless who are the most powerful and lead a society. Democracy is an alternative that controls the most violent, by clearly demonstrating the will of the society  as to who it wants to lead and when it wants a change of leader. However in order to succeed this system needs some rules that all must obey. and those who break the rules and start to act selfishly in their own interest must be punished. This means vigilance and rule of law, or its back to tyranny. You have to fight for democracy. But democracy must not oppress minorities.  See "the direction of human history" below.

14 Our lives are short but amazing..

Time is the most precious thing we have. Because we all die, from the moment we are born our lives are getting shorter. None of us likes to think that one day we will no longer exist and,when we are young we think we have many years ahead of us, but each moment is unique and will never come again. Each moment we experience is a highly improbable event created from the infinite number of previous highly improbable events but your ability to experience them and memorise them will stop. A lot of people avoid the thought of their priceless lives ending by a made up belief in an after life, but if you don’t delude yourself and face up to your own demise, your life, and more importantly that of all other living things, becomes a priceless joyous miracle of existence.

Acceptance of life coming to a end, is not a tragic thought, it is a liberating joyous thought. Joyous, because it makes life a million times more precious and something not to be wasted. Don’t waste it doing useless or negative things, make the world a better place. See also "The truest thing that everyone knows" below.


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Putin's Fantasy


Putin has created a world of delusion and fantasy which is totally detached from reality, but in which all Russians must believe. In this imagined world, his obsession with gaining total control over Ukraine, means that the west, who is against this idea, wants to destroy not just his ambition, but all of Russia, and to prove this, facts and truths are either ignored, distorted or presented out of context to maintain and up hold the delusion. However, the longer this goes on, the more and facts and truths arise, making it ever more difficult for the delusion to be  maintained. Eventually, there will be so much evidence against the delusion, that one day reality will come crashing down upon Putin.

One of the principal delusions of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is to de-nazisify Ukraine. After nearly two years of war, how many Nazis has he found? How many have been brought to trial? What evidence has been uncovered? I’ve seen nothing in the news, so in this respect, isn't his war a complete failure?

Another principal aim is to demilitarise Ukraine. So does Ukraine have smaller or larger armed forces now or before his illegal invasion? It looks to me that Ukraine is now totally committed to fighting Russian forces and completely militarised with ungraded western weapons. His erroneous strategy has completely back fired.

Putin is now calling his “special military operation”  a civil war between brothers - but Ukraine was an independent country before his invasion. His war is not Russians fighting Russians. And does he think that after the war, however it ends, Ukrainians will ever want to be Russian after all of his violence against them?

Putin has turned  Russia into a military dictatorship,  the only justification for which, is the existence of a formidable enemy that must be confronted. So America and its partners in Nato are portrayed as the enemy from which he, the hero, must protect the motherland. The fact that America and Europe are busy dealing with their own problems and didn’t really care what was going on in Russia until he used full military force against another country and thus became a potential threat to them, did they start thinking about Russia again. And after two years of the Ukraine war, aren't most in the west losing interest in the war?

Putin says America is a threat to Russia. So why is it dithering with its future payments to Ukraine? Isn’t this evidence that America doesn't really want confrontation with Russia?

Putin says he now wants peace in Ukraine, so why aren’t Russian diplomats flying around the world drumming up support for his peace plan? This is just a stalling tactic to woo others who sensibly want peace, especially with his Presidential show election coming up.

Putin says Russia is stronger now because of western sanctions, so why is food getting more expensive and spare parts for its cars and planes becoming  scarce. Also his army has taken a hammering and is full of  unmotivated under-trained reservists, his air force wont go near the front, his navy abandoned Crimea and the rest of Russia practically undefended.

Putin says Russians are free. But he takes away their passports to prevent them from traveling abroad and doesn’t allow any criticism of himself or the war, and doesn’t allow anyone to return home from the front. He is also preparing for a new mobilisation after his publicity stunt of an election. (this has been postponed for now by using criminals and North Koreans). 

Putin says the war is a tragedy - but it is one of his making and one he could stop tomorrow if he wanted. He is the tragedy.

Putin thinks that the west is decadent and will lose interest in Ukraine. Well we in the west don’t like war and have learnt that war only brings destruction, misery and death and is ultimately futile. But he is wrong to think that we wont fight for freedom and democracy if we have to. We also know that Russia is now suffering and the longer his pointless war goes on, ordinary Russians are learning that his war is ultimately futile too. Putin’s biggest delusion is that his war will keep him in power.

Putin thinks his military dictatorship is better than a free democracy and Russia fully supports him and loves him. So why does he have to control the internet, press, TV and all media outlets? Why is Russia slowly rotting at its core?

Putin wants to think that the attack on Crocus Hall, which is the same format as so many other Islamic State atrocities around the world, was carried out by Ukraine. This fits perfectly with his delusion. However the evidence is that it was carried out by Islamic State. The US warned of the high risk of an attack, but the US helping Russia doesn't fit with his delusion, and so the advice was ignored. Islamic State claimed responsibility and posted film evidence of the shootings, but Putin ignores this. The captured terrorists don't look Ukrainian, but as they were heading away from their homeland in the east, Putin tells every one in Russia that they were heading for Ukraine, where a route through the Russian front lines had been  prepared.  The fact is that this attack does not fit his delusion. The truth is, he is so obsessed with Ukraine that he has left Russia weakened to attacks from the east, a situation that his over stretched military and intelligence services will now have to deal with. 

Putin thinks that constantly reminding the west of his nuclear weapons will keep them out of the war, but no one takes this seriously. We know this would be using a sledge hammer to crack a nut, and would bring Nato into the war and even more pain for Russia.

But his greatest delusion, is to think that using violence is going to make him, Russia, and the world a better place. Violence will only lead to more violence.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

What's the truest thing that Everyone knows?

 An algorithm asked me - what is the truest thing that everybody knows? Instantly I typed in “You are going to die”.

Now you may think I’ve got problems with my mental health, dwelling on morbid thoughts, but having been a rock climber who climbed with people who died pursuing their passion, and learnt that the ground is very hard, gravity works instantaneously  and I’m very soft, I accepted early in life that my mortality could easily be demonstrated at any  weekend. This acceptance made me a much better rock climber and I appreciated the beautiful and joyful things in life even more. My world was a shining, sparkling beautiful diamond back then, (but on reflection perhaps a crazy selfish one).

Rene Descartes, concluded that the only thing he could be sure of, was the fact that as he could think, he existed. There is also the old cliché that the only thing you can be sure of is “death and taxes“. So combining these you get:-

 “I’m alive, I have to conform to social group norms, and I will die“.

Well, you know about being alive, and I’ve written about social groups previously, so it’s time to write of death!

Back in the mists of time, someone in our prehistoric past, must have had the first human realisation that he or she would also end up dead, like that person who had just “hopped the twig” as my mum's bird metaphor calls dying. This must have been a traumatic, scary and a lonely moment - being the only one to have this new knowledge. It must have been upsetting for this person and those he or she told.

However, to overcome this horrid by- product of our developing intelligence, our ancestors by - passed the negativity and created the myth of the afterlife. There is no need to dwell on the awfulness and sadness of your and others demise, because you can pretend it isn‘t really the end, just a change into something else. What a comfort this must have been, and still is.

The problem is, with our enlightened, inquiring, scientifically trained minds we now know that the psychological trick of heaven is just a fiction. It’s just like Harry Potter, who at the wave of a wand, can solve any problem -  it's just made up, reality isn't like that. And once you know this, the trick no longer works. You can’t go back once you know how the trick's performed.

So, how do we get over the tragic fact that one day there will no longer be a you or I - Not even thoughts or memories - nothing?  Well you don’t get over it, you just have to accept it. It is tragic and sad, but it isn’t really anything to worry about. After all, It can’t be that bad - everyone does it! And as Cervantes says in Don Quixote, once your dead that’s the end of it, no more problems, no more concerns and (I would add) you are leaving the world for those that follow, rather than cluttering up the place using oxygen whilst not contributing. There is a bright side to death, as Monty Python would sing.

And Once you accept the fact that one day your body will run out of energy, and you die, I find it liberating and exhilarating. The fact that you and I are alive to experience the world is made much more amazing. We may only have a few years of existence - but what a phenomenal fact that is.

You and I think, therefore we are.

How wonderful is that? How precious is that?  Celebrate your life and help all others* to celebrate theirs too. 

(*Others I define as every one alive now and in the future, including animals - you help future others by not wrecking the planet)

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Batte of Fridaythorpe

 The great thing about going on a long distance walk, is that you meet new people and discover things for yourself, It gets you out of your small pond and into a different world of new experiences and stories.

One such story was encountered on The Yorkshire Wolds Way when we passed through the village of  Fridaythorpe. An information board near the duck pond told of a “battle” that occurred back in the 19th Century, a local punch up that has relevance today.  

The tale was, that back then, Fridaythorpe and another local village (the name of which I can’t recall) each had a well that provided each village with all their essential water. However, in one particularly hot summer, one of the other villages wells' dried up, so it was agreed that they could draw their water from Fridaythorp’s well, which appeared to have plenty of water.

As the hot summer continued, and the drought persisted, Fridaythorpe’s well started to get worryingly low. At a heated meeting the villager’s decided to withdraw the agreement with the other village in order to save the remaining water for themselves. Obviously the other village, who would be left with no water supply, weren’t very happy about this and demanded to be able to draw water as previously agreed. But the people of Fridaythorpe maintained their position and stated that the agreement was not permanent and entirely at their discretion.

Being without water is extremely serious, as you and your animals cannot live, so it’s no surprise that violence broke out and the two villages went to war and fought a pitch battle.  Luckily, it rained the next day.

It’s no surprise this story isn’t widely publicised, or on the village website. It’s not a great moment in local history to be proud of. But it does illustrate a side of human nature that’s very common - when people get rich relative to others, they become less generous, not more. Why share with “others” when your doing fine, particularly when things are getting serious? Deep down, humans are tribal beings and  put themselves and their clan first.

In his book Metazoa, Peter Godfrey-Smith writes, “Often in evolution, an animal will be set up in a particular way for one set of circumstances, and then may find itself in a very different setting. When this happens, you will find yourself with a way of being, a way of relating to things, that is inherited from the earlier context. This might bring advantages or problems. Things will present themselves in a particular way and particular roads will be open - or relatively open- while others are not”.

Well, in our increasingly globalised world, that is changing rapidly because of the internet, global travel/trade and man made climate change, we are finding our selves in a very different setting to that encountered by our predecessors. The roads ahead are all new.

But let’s not choose a road similar to the one taken by the villagers of Fridaythorpe, back in the 19th Century.

Update Aug 24. In his excellent book "Why War?" Richard Overy highlights that changes to the environment have historically been triggers for violence and the Fridaythorpe battle would fall in to this category. However,  he makes the point that such violence is usually a local problem and highlights that today aid  would normally come from unaffected areas further afield or from national Governments, so predictions of violence due to man made climate change are currently overstated.

Trump is the product of the domination of Social Media

 Most people don't read newspapers or books anymore, they just look at the endlessly changing pictures and eye catching headlines that p...