Friday, August 23, 2024

Why War?

When I was a teenager, someone punched me in the face. I was a bit surprised and shocked but I just stared back at him. This wasn't what my assailant expected. He just looked sheepish and didn’t know what to do, so I walked off as if nothing had happened. When I got home I burst out crying - my nose really hurt!

Violence in all its forms is fundamentally about status, whether it be national leaders wanting to maintain or raise a nations status, religious leaders promoting wars to maintain or increase the status of their beliefs or kids fighting in the streets to get them up the pecking order. The kid that punched me in the face wanted to show how big he was to his mates. Putin wants to demonstrate to everyone what a great leader he is and religious leaders want to gain status for their faith and get status in the kingdom of heaven.

People use violence because they think they can benefit from it and win at  little cost to themselves. But there are alternative ways to gain status. These methods take longer and are much harder work but create a better world for everyone because there are no victims. However, when people think they can win a fight they get greedy and use violence as a short cut to gain status quickly. They may justify violence by saying that they are making the world a better place, but what they mean is they are making their world better, not everyone's world better. The suffering of victims is conveniently ignored.

Why is status so important? I think it is all due to our basic biological drive to reproduce - high status means better offspring. It all boils down to sex in the end. (Even those fighting religious wars enrich themselves and their families and often enslave and rape). But this is no excuse, as unlike other animals, we have a large frontal cortex which gives us the capacity to assess the future implications of  our actions. Also, we all have the freedom to choose our actions, if we make the effort to use our free will and don't just follow the herd. We all have the mental capacity to do the right thing, rather than the easiest thing*.

So I say violence is never justified, but is here to stay until humans learn it is no solution to problems, and just shows how incapable someone is at gaining status through self improvement, co operation, mutual respect, generosity and the ability to compromise. People also need to learn to stand up to power and not just do what their group leaders tell them. In the long run, other strategies are much more successful than use of violence. Deep down, we all know war is morally wrong and that peace is better than war.

However, back when I was teenager, I managed to throw the school bully across the cloak room and my status increased no end!! If violence starts, a show of strength is justified to keep those who propose violence in check. 

(*For example in places such as Italy and Japan, population numbers are falling.Humans are demonstrating that they have the ability to exert conscious control over family size, which is counter to the evolutionary imperative to reproduce as frequently as possible, as animals do.)

Friday, August 9, 2024

Letter to the Russian Ambassador to the UK

 Dear Ambassador Kelin

 I have been using social media attempting to find answers to questions concerning Russia, but have so far failed to find anyone who could give coherent replies. Could you or someone you know be of any assistance? The questions are:-

1) If President Putin’s Russia is so great, why are so many leaving and migrants heading to Europe rather than Russia? I understand that even migration numbers from poor countries in central Asia are now falling.

2) How does bombing Ukrainians make them want to be part of Russia?

3) Since President Putin came to power over 20 years ago, how has Russia become a better place in which to live?

4) Why does President Putin fear people criticising him, when he is clearly doing such a great job? Surely the facts speak for themselves?

5) Why do Russians think war is better than peace?

6) Why are there so few women in the Russian Government?

7) What has happened to the Russian Military, a force that heroically defeated Nazi Germany, but now can only take a few rural villages at an extremely high cost?

8) Why does President Putin humiliatingly kowtow in submission to Xi Jinping and Kim long john?

9) Why do Russians stand by and do nothing, when the future of Russia is clearly to end up like North Korea - poor, isolated and backward, but with an extremely rich elite ruling class?

10) And finally, how are Russians ever going to face the world with dignity and pride ever again?

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