Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Fun and High Jinks at the Chinese Communist Party's birthday Bash


Dear Ambassador Zheng Zeguang

What an ordinary Man in Sheffield thinks of the Chinese Communist Party

How I laughed at Xi Jinping’s pronouncement that he will “dash enemies heads against a great wall of steel forged from the flesh and blood of 1.4 billion Chinese”. Having just read Don Quixote by Cervantes, I see such rantings as coming from a madman living in a bygone world created by his own delusion. Who does Mr Jinping think is really threatening China?. America may be annoyed about trade and adjusting to China’s increasing power, but does he really think American windmills will need such an attack? Surely they have enough internal problems of their own than to start trouble abroad.

As far as I understand, the only threat to Mr Xi Jinping and his dinosaur of a party, comes from his own people, which is why he stamps on the internet (presumably with his iron foot of a million tons, ha ha!!!), locks up those that criticise the party (presumably with the mighty lance made of the sweat of the Chinese people, tee hee!!!) and has concentration camps for minorities (presumably whilst wielding the invincible sword of Chinese justice guffor guffor!!!). Doesn’t the Party realise that taking away peoples freedom of speech and liberty are acts of weakness and cowardliness, not strength.. If the Party can’t take on and defeat it’s critics and political opponents with sound arguments, correct policies and beneficial actions for the majority then it should seriously think about what it is doing and where it is heading.  And don’t try to justify the parties actions by saying that if there is unrest in China then millions will die as they did in previous civil wars, because that was then and this is now. Civil wars start because entrenched inflexible views don’t change with the times and so force is the only way to make those in power face up to the new reality. So the Chinese Communist Party must change with the times rather than retreat back to Maoist mid 20th century thinking. If it wants the world to respect China, then it should start acting in a manner that makes the world a better place, not only for the Chinese people but also for all peoples of the world. Wouldn’t that be better than using outdated military might, that just shows how backward China is, not modern and progressive?

Following this disrespectful letter from a foreigner, which is obviously a major threat to the Chinese state, I await my head to be dashed to pieces. Such an act will no doubt enhance the might, prestige and glory of the Chinese Communist Party which is all conquering and invincible. Especially when taking on the defenseless but outspoken.

So happy 100th birthday Chinese Communist Party. Long may you be tolerated by the Chinese people. But will you ever be loved by them?

Yours Faithfully

Trevor Prew  

CC Various Newspapers, Organisations.

PS If you find this letter offensive, I make no apology. I am most offended that fellow human beings continue to act in such an horrific and appalling way towards other fellow human beings in the 21st Century. Everybody is genetically and environmentally different (by their nature and nurture) and everyone has differing thoughts and views on the matters that concern them. To  deign this simple truth and to attempt to make 1.4 billion  people all think the same way by fear and persecution tactics is shear folly and doomed to failure in the long run.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Concerning Religion

 On Religion

Recently, I had a great idea to sort out the world’s problems. When a Government or National leader starts a war or commits serious crimes, every one on the planet should use the power of the internet to tell them exactly what they think of them and their appalling actions. Under such global pressure, they would be forced to change their ways, thus making the world a better place for all.

This idea could be a bit naïve, but it’s never been tried before and didn’t Apartheid South Africa  eventually change after sustained global pressure? Well, for the prize of world peace, I think it’s worth a go. But who will listen to a nobody from Sheffield? So in order to get some high profile backing, I wrote to UK heads of the Church of England, Roman Catholic Church, Islam and Judaism.

No response was forthcoming from last two, but I did get an email back from the Good Cardinal. He thought the matter was best left to Governments. He does have a point, but it all smacked of buck passing to me, and what have Governments achieved in the last 20 years anyway?

However, the most thoughtful response came from a very kind lady working for the Archbishop of  Canterbury, who, not knowing the state of my mental health, let me down gently, explaining that the Archbishop was a very busy man and she would not be passing on my idea to save the world  for his attention.

Oh dear. The Archbishop is too busy for world peace!. You couldn’t make it up, could you?

And that’s the problem with Religion. When you start asking questions of it, it all gets disappointing.

Take the current panic over Covid. Why did God create the virus and other diseases  that kill people? Murder is against Gods will isn’t it? And if it’s all part of his plan, why does he allow humans to create vaccines and treatments that thwart his will? Are humans as clever as God? How is that possible?

And if the all powerful, intelligent, creator Gods exists, is he sitting up in heaven wondering  how he was created? Does he worship his creator god and if he does, why don’t we worship Gods God? And what about Gods, Gods God………?

As for heaven and life after death, it’s the ultimate con trick. “Do this, don’t do that, give us some money and we promise entry to paradise when you can’t come back and complain“. And how does anyone know that something happens after your biochemistry has packed up anyway?. There is no proof, only blind faith.
If you think I’m a lost soul damned for eternity, please don’t bother praying for me. Prayer may make you feel  better as you think you have done something constructive, but that will be all that you will have achieved. Thousands of years of prayer by billions of people and the world  has not been improved one jot as far as I can see.  

However, Religions and Gods are present in all cultures and have been worshiped as long as our records allow us to know, so what is it about religion that makes it universal? Why do humans appear to need it? I have several possible explanations..

Firstly, we all like to know what’s going on and why. We don’t like a lack of knowledge and also love a good story.. Why are we here? Well if you make up a good story to answer this question, and you  tell it round the fire side you can earn your evening meal entertaining the tribe. Better still, scare the bear skin  off them, but then convince them everything will be all right if they look after you in the right way and you have it made. You can then, providing they give you the bulk of the takings,  begin training underlings to do the same and you can have a life of luxury and status. So religion starts. And believing in a life after death, is a great story, and very comforting.

The other reason is that Religion gives humans an evolutionary advantage in times of stress, because humans function better when they are less scared or worried about death. Take times of famine. Rather than worry all day about were your next meal is coming from, why not put your faith in your god, relax and get on with your daily routine without expending energy on wasteful fretting. Chances are, that you will come across some food which is of course all down to God looking after you, not that you fully focused on the task in hand.  Or when in danger, pray for Gods safe keeping, so its his responsibility not yours. This will take the pressure off, reduce your fear levels and allow you to fight more effectively rather than stand there jibbering. Because you will be less stressed you will probably perform better and indeed survive to sing Gods praises . If you don‘t, you will more likely die and not be around to moan about what a rotten concept God is. So the after danger sample is highly bias in favour of God and so religion persists.

Finally,  religion does contain masses of wisdom which if embraced will give everyone a much happier and enjoyable life. Promoting the benefits of  co operation, peace, harmony , altruism, community and mutual support are essential, we all know this, it’s obvious and some of the kindest, selfless people I have met and read about have been deeply religious. There’s also  all  the good work done by religious charities that  do much to help others and make the world a better place for everyone.

So after 2000 years or so,  isn’t it time for a review of the worlds religions, so we can keep the wisdom and ditch the fabricated superstitious nonsense? Because the joyous reality is, we are all stuck on this planet alone and no one is here to help us. There is no after life. It’s up to us while we are alive. We have to learn how to make it work, together, right now.

And we need all the wisdom we can get.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The importance of International Travel

 The Importance of International Travel

Because of Covid, we currently can’t go abroad and with the subsequent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions this is viewed by many as good thing. However, having been lucky enough to have lived at a time when for the first time in history it was cheap and easy to travel to all parts of the globe when ever I wanted, I think it is important that international travel be resumed as soon as possible. The principal reason is that it opens your mind to new ideas and perspectives, that when experienced personally, become unshakably embedded into your character and world view.

The first personal experience to tell of, is an encounter with a young Dutchman, who I got chatting to when we were both backpacking the Cornish Coastal path. Talking of his experiences in England he said he had tried fish and chips and found the meal to be disgusting. “A soggy, greasy mess” was his description! I was taken aback, offended even, that our national dish had not been eaten with relish and delight, followed only by the eager anticipation of a future portion to be eaten on the next seafront with the wind, waves and hungry seagulls for company. Well, perhaps he had been to the wrong chippy and got a bad meal, or perhaps, on reflection he has a point. It not exactly a healthy meal is it? Maybe I should eat more salads……

The second tale takes place whilst back packing in one of the drier parts of the world during a period of drought. I had run out of water but my next watering point was due that day so I wasn’t concerned. However when I arrived at what was supposed to be a  spring, I found only a damp patch and the odd drip. Not having drunk that day, I set up my cup to catch the valuable drops. After 3 hours of waiting in the sun, I had enough for one swallow, but I’d probably sweated out more than that waiting. I had to press on. The next day I awoke to sky full of dark clouds. Great it was going to rain, so my water bottle would soon be full.

Well it did rain, it poured down in sheets. The thunder roared and the lightning cracked closer than I would have liked. There was water, too much water actually and just opening my mouth skywards gave relief to my thirst and immediate concerns. My map showed a stream ahead, one that flowed off the nearby mountain. I imaged it to be in full flow now, gushing with clear, cool pure water. Ah heaven. I pressed on.

Well it was in full flow, and gushing and cool,  but it wasn’t clear. It was a brown, thick with muddy sediment and broken vegetation and who knows what else. Despite my thirst, there was no way I was going to drink that and so I pushed on. It was the only option.

Later that day I diverted off my planned route to a farmstead and at the gate the occupants had left out containers of drinking water for travelers. What nice people. What kind people. I looked for them so I could thank them but no one was about, perhaps they were a bit shy. But now every day I turn on a tap at home I’m thankful and remember that farm that taught me the true value of water to life. Now I avoid flushing the toilet with drinking water, and use bath water, washing up water or rain water when possible.  
There are other many other stories I could tell, about being picked up and carried by Sherpa's over a Himalayan pass and being humbled by their effort for me: about being shocked when invited to diner by a man in Kathmandu only to find he and his family of 4 lived in a room the size of my spare bed room; about the young hitch hikers I’d picked up and got me out of a jam with Police in Patagonia. But these would distract from my point. And that is that I think it is very important that others should experience the world and obtain their own stories to tell, so they too wont be fooled when politicians or religious leaders tell that the other people, the foreigners, the non believers, the people across the boarder, the people of different appearance or customs or outlooks are any different, or inferior, or dangerous, from any group of people you may happen to meet in your own country or city.

Because that’s the most important thing I have learnt from international travel. We are all basically the same, kind, trustful and peaceful. We just live in different places with different ideas and we are all working daily to improve our situations for the better.

Hopefully we will soon have a way of traveling carbon free as well as cheaply. Until then “tread lightly on the earth“, but don‘t stop treading entirely. I wonder if the chippy’s open yet?

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