Friday, March 18, 2022

World Leaders - do we really need them?


I had to smile at the lead article in the Economist this week, that was trying to advise its readers what China was going to do about the Ukrainian war. It clearly had no idea how China was going to react, but I suppose  they have to make up some sort of nonsense to fill their pages*. However,they shouldn't worry, as like most managers, leaders, and heads of state such as Mr Putin and Mr Xi Jinping, they haven’t got a clue what they are doing either, they are just better than the rest of us at pretending they do.

For example, the book "On time and water" contains an interview from the 14th Dalai Lama from 2010. In this, his Holiness predicts confidently in his happy laughing style that the 21st Century will be one of peace and that China will become progressively more liberal and tolerant to alternative thinking. Well the Dalai Lama is a wise man, and the 21st century isn't over yet, but when it comes to prediction I'm sure the people of Ukraine and Hong Kong would see him as just human like the rest of us.

Why do you think there have been so many old Etonions as British Prime ministers? Its not because they are taught the skills the job requires, but are taught how to project an image of competence by demonstrating their skills of debate, education and confidence which hide the fact that they are just as useless as the rest of us. It was scientists who got us through the pandemic, not Boris. Implications of Brexit - he had no idea, so he just made it up as he when along with a confident joke or two. Thanks Boris.

Actors and comedians also make great leaders. Ragan and Zelensky spring to mind. Play the part that is required and all will be well. I grew up in the cold war of the 1980's and used to love a show called "Not the Nine o'clock news". Ragan was portrayed as a mindless idiot (which wasn't really fair) and my favorite song written by Mel Smith went "if I had a bomb, and a place to drop it from, I'd drop it on you world leaders, drop it on you world leaders." It would probably be banned today. (I wonder if the internet security algorithms will pick this up).    

I’m becoming more anarchist in my thinking every day. Anarchists are no threat to anyone – they can never get organised to do any harm! Who needs leaders anyway, like the mafia, they all use force to control our resources - have you tried not paying your taxes recently? Ants have been doing just fine without leaders for millions of years by sharing and recognising what needs to be done and just getting on with it.  Read Ant Encounters by D M Gordon if you don't believe me.

Once again many thanks for reading my nonsense, it takes my mind off the unbearable  “misery and folly of the world” as Thomas Carlisle called it. I said in my last post that that would be my "last post" but when I see such rubbish being written as that in the Economist magazine, I can't help but think why shouldn't I chip in with my own. 

*(Incidentally, based on the fact that the Chinese do not worship a God but do worship money, and that the Chinese Communist Party stays in power only because it continues to raise the living standards of the Chinese people, I predict that China will react to the Russian Ukrainian war in order to boost its economy. It will not help Russia and stay neutral thus keeping access to western markets.) 

Update Oct 2022. Boris has been booted out for breaking his own covid containment laws only to be replaced by another useless leader, Liz Truss. Fortunately this economic illiterate could only fool the aged tory membership, but not the financial markets, who saw through the unrealistic policies and forced her to resign. It's amazing that the people who voted for her are such poor judges of character and this sorry saga only proves that democracy only works if the people voting have reasonable level of understanding of the world we live in and don't purely vote in their own self interest that is based on prejudice and delusion. 

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