Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Letter to Ukraine

 I am a nobody from Sheffield, I know nothing of war, but I stand with Ukraine.  I have never punched anyone, let alone held a gun, so I fight with words, as they are all I have. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but are my internet posts mightier than the Himar?  Probably not, but the following is the best I can do.  

I have no idea what you are going through, it looks horrendous, but from what I have read of history, many before have endured as you do and emerged in a better world.  I stand with Ukraine in support of your fight for a free and independent Ukraine, but wish there was an easier way. I don’t like this war, any war, the suffering human beings face, which ever side they are on, pains me. And all because of selfish, loveless leaders who haven’t got a clue what they are doing.

Please remember to always fight because of your love of your families, your love of your country and your love of freedom. Although it is hard, don’t fight because of your hatred of Russians. Without love we are lost. And with love (and modern weapons) your soldiers are each worth hundreds of those who fight for money, power or just because they are forced to do so by others.

I believe the vast majority of people in Russia also love freedom, but are trapped in a country of lies, created by a psychopathic coward who has lost the capacity to love. When did you last see Putin standing with his wife or children? Who are his friends? Does he ever go and meet the people or show up at the front, to stand shoulder to shoulder with his troops? No, he loves no one, and no one loves him. His is the heart of darkness. His is the Horror. He is destroying himself. Pity him, he hasn’t even got a dog that loves him.

Do not hold the lines on maps as scared. There will come a time when the price of protecting what you believe to be scared will be too high. Always search for peace, even when you do not trust the enemy. Remember the art of war - you can fight the enemy, by not fighting.

Unfortunately, I cannot celebrate victory - to me, all war is tragedy. War is a primitive, backward and base activity that is promoted by people who are unintelligent and follow out of date philosophies. Those who start wars are people who do not have the skills  to solve their problems by normal political means, ie respectful negotiation and compromise. They can only achieve their goals by conning others to commit violence with threats and lies and so are not fit to lead. War only spreads, destruction, desolation, misery and pain. It is no solution to problems. Everyone has a selfless duty, not to hide from the horrors of our past, but to stand together against such cowards and fools. We should all unite to consign war to the history books, to keep war out of our present and humanity’s future.

I wish the west was fighting by your side, but that would strengthen Putin’s lie, that we want to destroy Russia. So be strong Ukraine, fight smart as you have been doing. With truth, freedom and love on your side, you cannot lose.

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