Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Tyranny of The majority

 In the UK and Israel, the democratically elected Governments are attempting to pass laws that protect their own positions. From the stand point of "we represent the people", they think the can do what ever they like. However, history tells us time and time again they cannot - think of the Terror after the French Revolution as an extreme case. 

As the new bill is still making its passage through Parliament, I have sent the following letter to my Member of parliament to see if our historic system still works. 

Dear Sir

 By the differences in their nature, upbringing, learning and experience, every human being has a unique outlook on the world. This means it is perfectly natural for people to have differing points of views on a wide range of issues, and as we in the West believe in freedom of expression, these differing views should be permitted to be aired and discussed, rather than be driven underground or kept unspoken by self censorship.  It is also the duty of the majority, not to oppress the minority, and not to abuse their power for their own benefit.

 If minority views are not permitted to be aired by passionate people who get frustrated because the majority will not listen, then what will happen? They will find other more extreme ways to protest, and the majority will react with more bans, to which more extreme forms of protest occur to which the majority calls in the army to start shooting. THIS IS NOT A MADE UP STORY, BUT HAPPENS TIME AND TIME AGAIN, ALL OVER THE WORLD.

 What the current majority forgets, (or only knows too well) is that today's minority may be tomorrows majority – but this is not a  bad thing this is PROGRESS.

For these reasons the Law and order bill which reduces the power of citizens to express their views should be thrown out. It goes against every thing this country has stood for in my life time. I can only speak for myself but no one will ever take away my freedom of expression, but it is up to others to decide how extreme that expression is displayed.

Please discuss my words with all of your Parliamentary colleagues.

 Yours Sincerely 


The reason this bill has been proposed in the UK is because protesters have been blocking motorways, disrupting the center of London for days on end and generally being such a pain that the Government feels it has to act. However the protesters actions have not been popular and so their tactics have backfired on them - the general population has turned against them. Therefore the bill is no longer required. However the protestors made them selves heard and will no doubt try other less disruptive but more persuasive methods in the future.  Good for them.

However if it is passed, and similar anti freedom bills are passed in the future, I will be making a few free downloads from the Albert Einstein Institute.  

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