Sunday, February 5, 2023

Why you should never invite Socrates to your diner party

 As humour makes the world a better place,  I wrote the following-.

“Diners ready” you cry out to your guests.

“Ah, but what do you mean by ‘ready?” pipes up Socrates, who is standing by himself.

“Oh, here we go” mutter the other guests to themselves.

“Well,  I’ve cooked it the same as last time and it was fine then” you reply.

“ But are you sure that the oven was the same temperature?” inquires your philosophical guest.

“er, I’m pretty sure I set it at same temperature.The oven is working fine, and I don‘t think anyone messed about with the settings so I've no reason to think there's a problem” you say, hoping it will satisfy the wisest man of all time.


“So you assume the temperature setting is exactly the same, but do you know that the ingredients are the same, to require the same temperature as before? Furthermore, Is there the same number of people at this party as before? How can you be certain that the different quantity of the ingredients used today, has had the correct temperature for the correct duration of time in order for the meal to be defined as ‘’ready?”

“Well I have to admit I did go to the cheaper supermarket, there are a lot of people to feed at this party, and it can get expensive you know” you confess guiltily.

“So, you didn’t check the temperature of the oven, you have used ingredients from a completely untested source, which, due to their cheapness will be of different and no doubt inferior quality, and you have given no explanation as to your decision making process to determine the duration of the cooking time at your 'assumed' temperature.. Based on these facts, the only rational conclusion I can arrive at, is that you have no idea if the diner is ready is not”

Despite being perplexed,  you suddenly remember that phial of hemlock at the back of the cupboard and rush off to get Socrates his diner. Upon presenting his diner to him you declare -

“Perhaps you should just try your diner and tell me if it’s ready, but my dear Socrates, how certain can you be sure, that my definition of diner is the same as yours?”

Your other guests start asking for their coats.

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