Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Chinese and Russian elites wrongly think wars will keep them in power


"Chinese defense minister to speak at Russian event billed as fighting 'Western world domination' China's defense minister will speak at the Moscow Conference on International Security, a spokesperson has said". - Sky news 14 Aug 23

As reported by Sky news, China, Russia and Belarus are getting together to tackle the threat of "Western World Domination". Perhaps they should first think about why they perceive the West to be so dominant.

If they do, they might come to realize that their oppressive method of organising societies is not as successful as ones based on co operation, interdependence, freedom, rule of equitable laws, democracy and that mutual aid produces happier, more innovative, and successful citizens than their authoritarian dictatorships can. 

But there is no chance of such a discussion. China has moved away from liberal policies and its economy is faltering, Russia is fighting a pointless war and the ruble is sinking, Belarus has no independence and has to do what ever Putin says. So it is true that they are fighting "Western World Domination" but (whilst the west is supporting Ukraine to protect its independence), it is not fighting them and doesn't want to.The reality is, their ruling elites are fighting for their own survival, and because they are using outdated 20th century militaristic ideas, (ie invent a foe so the people must unite behind the leadership) they have no hope of keeping up with the modern interconnected, interdependent, compassionate world.

How many migrants seek a better life in China, Russia or Belarus? Hardly any. Given the choice, people move towards freedom. That's dominance for you!

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