Friday, March 8, 2024

Putin the Con Man

 Putin made a big speech the other day. When I heard what he was spouting on about, I laughed. Basically he was saying I'm Mr Big, I'm going to stay as Mr Big and if I can't be Mr Big, I'm going to end civilization. Its just like some pathetic school kid, who if he cant be the striker, is going to take his ball home and then no one can play.

Why does anyone fall for this comic performance from some jumped up bully who has run out of ideas and whose solution to everything is violence, followed by more violence?

Well he has reasons to be cheerful these days. He has killed off the political opposition, intimidated all Russian critics into silence, has just got a cash bale-out loan from China and his big pile of North Koran shells has worked wonders on the front line. This, together with Netanyahu using his tactics in Palestine and Americas obsessed with their own internal divisions, its all looking up for Putin and his Military Dictatorship.

However, I'm not concerned, as his constant talk of nuclear weapons shows how weak his position is. What it really means is that “my army can only advance like a snail, my navy is refusing to leave port and my air force keeps getting shot down, but I still have some old historic nukes left over from a previous era, so don’t even think about it”. At the end of the day, nukes are all he has. Its a pity that nukes are so destructive that he can’t use them, as it would mean the end of Russia, and Ukraine isn’t worth the end of Russia, not even for Putin.

So his power is ultimately based on myth, which relies on constant creation of fear, apathy of the majority and non stop projection of the illusion of power to instill a sense of impotence in individuals. If you can understand what he’s doing, that it’s all a psychological con trick, he has no power at all. You will then realize that he is the minority and people like you, are in fact, the overwhelming majority. 

Putin has chosen a path from which he cannot escape. His fate is already sealed. His strategy of fear will fall apart when his own people realise there is nothing to fear and absolutely nothing to respect. There is a much better option to his reign of terror. I give him  two years at the most. Arrested by his own Generals or strung up on a lamp post, when the people see through his con trick and loose their fear and realise they are the true power in Russia, they will bring the house down.    

PS if you want to lose your fear of Putin, just imagine him trousers down, sitting on the loo trying to pass a difficult stool. Whether he ends civilization if he fails, I will leave to your imagination.

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