Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Do humans live in a world of delusion?

After eleven years of reliable service, my diesel car is on its last legs, so it's  off to the local dealers to see whats available. As fossil fuels are clearly wrecking the planet, my next car will be electric. 

One dealer was busy, and had no staff to help us. The other we visited was empty, with great staff, but it didn't open on a Sunday and all their cars where over priced. A 30 second search on the internet could save me 10% on their prices. With another leading EV manufacturer, I rang the number trying to find out the waiting time from order to delivery and got an automated machine, of which none of the options applied. 

So my impression is that one dealer is losing sales because he thinks he can sell cars with out staff, one hasn't realised he is competing with the internet, and the other thinks computers have all the answers. Are they all deluded, closing their eyes to the real world?

Currently in America, one half of the country will be voting for a very shady crook, who just speaks rubbish with no idea or regard for consequences. What are Americans thinking? Are they all totally deluded? Do they really think these people are fit to run their country?

Here in the UK, we continue to call ourselves "Great" Britain even though we continue to get poorer and rack up the national dept so we will soon be bankrupt. Who do we think we are fooling?

In Russia, Putin is repeating all the mistakes made by leaders of the past and using unrestrained violence for his own benefit. What do Russians do? Nothing. Can't they see that fighting a pointless war only achieves misery , destruction and death. Do they think war is better than peace? Are they all totally brainwashed by Putin's propaganda? Are they all totally deluded that Putin is making Russian great?

In China, the Ruling elite, the Chinese Communist Party, tells the people it is working to create the Socialist Utopia, whilst living in luxury generated by the profits of western capitalists exploiting underpaid Chinese  workers. Why do the Chinese do nothing?  Are they all ants that cannot think for themselves and see the reality? Are 1.4 billion Chinese really all deluded and believe they don't need to think as the CCP knows best and its working for their greater good?

In Israel / Palestine both sides think violence is the solution, whilst the evidence is plain for all to see' Why are they so blind?

And when it comes to man made climate change, the effects are clear and the urgency to act very apparent. The science makes it unavoidable what the future world will be like. Do the vast majority accept this and act in the best interests of humanity and all the other creatures in the world? No. Emissions keep rising. Once again people choose delusion over reality. 

I've called this blog "Make the world a better place" and try to write plainly and simply as to what the reality of human nature and the world is, and therefore help readers see the world as it is so they can make better decisions for the benefit of all. Can I, a nobody from Sheffield, change the world by posting short essays? Who do I think I am?  

Will my purchase of an electric car make the world a better place? I could live with out a car, but others rely on my driving so I will be buying one. But am I deluding myself? My single decision wont make a jot of difference to global emissions, 

But if everyone started to face up to reality, rather than delude themselves they can just sit back and do nothing or keep doing the same old thing, the effect would be massive and we will all be a lot better off.

Well, that's my delusion. but is it better or worse than yours?!!!

How to stop man made climate change

Executive Summary 1) Educate people of so they know the facts about man made climate change and the effects it will have on the future of th...